The Marriage of Corbal

The Marriage of Corbal (1936)

Karl Grune, Frederic Brunn
Nils Asther, Hugh Sinclair, Hazel Terry, Noah Beery, Ernst Deutsch, Davy Burnaby, Clifford McLaglen, Arthur Rigby, Ralph Truman, Brian Buchel, Gordon Begg, Vincent Sternroyd, Charles Paton, Percy Walsh, Walter Sondes

Movie plot

The film hinges on the love triangle between a young aristocratic lady on the run (Cleonie, played by Hazel Terry), the murderous Varennes, Citizen-Deputy of the Revolution who saves her by disguising her as his nephew (Nils Asther) and finally the Marquis of Corbal of the film's title, played by Hugh Sinclair.

Quels sont les thèmes abordés dans le film The Marriage of Corbal?

The Marriage of Corbal is a movie about French Revolution.

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