
Cleopatra (2007)

Original title:
Julio Bressane
Lúcia Fares, Tarcísio Vidigal
Alessandra Negrini, Miguel Falabella, Bruno Garcia, Taumaturgo Ferreira, Heitor Martinez, Lúcio Mauro, Nildo Parente, Josi Antello, Josie Antello, Everaldo Pontes, Guará Rodrigues, Guilherme Weber, Isabel Guéron, Tonico Pereira, Otávio Terceiro, ... Show all

Movie plot

The great battles are the backdrop for the unfolding of the Egyptian Queen's personal life. The strategy of Cleopatra is to seduce the Roman General Julius Caesar and Mark Antony to protect their civilization.

Quels sont les thèmes abordés dans le film Cleopatra?

Cleopatra is a movie about Ancient Egypt.

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