When Jane is rejected by life, she spirals into a chaotic, schizophrenic world where love and normality collide with humorous consequences.

England, early 20th century. The future writer and philologist John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) and three of his schoolmates create a strong bond between them as they share the same passion for literature and art, a true fellowship that strengthens as they grow up, but the outbreak of World War I threatens to shatter it.

Electricity titans Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse compete to create a sustainable system and market it to the American people.

Having suffered a tragedy, Ben becomes a caregiver to earn money. His first client, Trevor, is a hilarious 18-year-old with muscular dystrophy.

In the late 1990s, a drug-addled nihilist resorts to murder to climb the ladder of the London music industry.

Rob ha in programma un colloquio per l'università e un appuntamento con la bellona della scuola. Peccato che tutto vada a rotoli: al colloquio fa una pessima figura ed è talmente eccitato da "concludere" con la ragazza in men che non si dica. Ma come per magia, Rob ha la possibilità di rivivere da capo la giornata...

After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt and Jenko when they go deep undercover at a local college.

A couple with a newborn baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house.

An awkward office drone becomes increasingly unhinged after a charismatic and confident look-alike takes a job at his workplace and seduces the woman he desires.

Two investigators of paranormal hoaxes, the veteran Dr. Margaret Matheson and her young assistant, Tom Buckley, study the most varied metaphysical phenomena with the aim of proving their fraudulent origins.

15-year-old deep-thinking Welsh schoolboy Oliver Tate struggles to initiate and maintain a relationship with Jordana, his devilish, dark-haired classmate at their Swansea high school.

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