Lola receives a phone call from her boyfriend Manni. He lost 100,000 DM in a subway train that belongs to a very bad guy.

A mysterious circus excites a small Hungarian town into a rebellion when a promised act doesn't perform.

A criminal subculture operates among U.S. soldiers stationed in West Germany just before the fall of the Berlin wall.

During the early 16th century, idealistic German monk Martin Luther, disgusted by the materialism in the church, begins the dialogue that will lead to the Protestant Reformation.

Hitler no longer believes in himself, and can barely see himself as an equal to even his sheep dog. But to seize the helm of the war he would have to create one of his famous fiery speeches to mobilize the masses.

The lives of six German-Turkish immigrants are drawn together by circumstance: An old man and a prostitute forging a partnership, a young scholar reconciling his past, two young women falling in love, and a mother putting the shattered pieces of her life back together.

In Hamburg, German-Greek chef Zinos unknowingly disturbs the peace in his locals-only restaurant by hiring a more talented chef.

Lilli is traveling to India, to solve a mystery.

Adolf Hitler si risveglia improvvisamente a sessantasei anni dalla sua supposta morte. Nella moderna Berlino, si ritrova senza guerra, senza un partito e senza Eva, e per di più circondato da un clima di pace, migliaia di stranieri e Angela Merkel.

Berlin in June of 1940. While Nazi propaganda celebrates the regime’s victory over France, a kitchen-cum-living room in Prenzlauer Berg is filled with grief.

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