Risking his life, Luke ventures to Rome to visit Paul -- the apostle who's bound in chains and held captive in Nero's darkest and bleakest prison cell.

Born with a serious eye condition that eventually leads to his blindness, Bocelli nevertheless rises above the challenges, driven by great ambitions towards his passion.

Lorenzo, Blu e Antonio hanno molte cose in comune: frequentano la stessa classe nello stesso liceo in una piccola città del nord est, hanno ciascuno una famiglia che li ama, e tutti e tre, anche se per motivi differenti, finiscono col venire isolati dagli altri coetanei...

Couple Andrea and Giulia, an outwardly successful couple, are having problems in the bedroom. When Giulia invites Max, an old friend from high school, to stay in the family home with their teenage son, some new attitudes begin to form.

A causa del lavoro, Matteo, è sempre stato lontano dalla famiglia. Un giorno viene informato della morte del figlio Marco a causa di un'overdose di ecstasy.

Cate Blanchett stars as Philippa, a British teacher living in Turin, Italy, who has seen many friends, including her husband, fall victim to drug overdoses.

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