Si preannuncia un giorno bollente come l'inferno per la Florida. La vulcanologa Antoinette Vitrini viene allertata da alcuni rilevamenti sospetti che mostrano una crescente attività sismica nell’area di Miami. Le sue analisi portano alla conclusione che l’attività di trivellazione condotta fuori regime e senza scrupoli da un importante compagnia petrolifera alle porte di Miami sta risvegliando un vulcano ritenuto dormiente il cui canale di sfogo è proprio alla base della capitale della Florida...

A small group of amateur cooks and kitchen guests discover exactly why some refer to the kitchen as the "heart of the house".

A trio of guys try and make up for missed opportunities in childhood by forming a three-player baseball team to compete against standard little league squads.

A wannabe rock star who fronts a Pennsylvania-based tribute band is devastated when his kick him out of the group he founded.

A portrait of a homeless park community bonded by crack cocaine addiction. In the park's drug-fixated shantytown, Cody is a kind of crackhead father figure who helps his friends when they are in trouble or in desperate need of a "blast." His girlfriend, Alicia, is a romantic who's losing her soul to the drug, and E-Max is a street hustling pimp who is trying to scoop young Linda into his motley legion of harlots.

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