Le due Marie – una terrorista irlandese e una cantante francese – s'incontrano agli inizi del '900 nell'Honduras. Cantano insieme in un circo e insieme capeggiano una rivolta contadina contro il dittatore locale. Vincono. Continuano a cantare...

Aroused citizens assassinate an unpopular Caribbean despot, then two men vie for his gorgeous widow Ines. Ojeda is a steamy, isolated island, the penal colony for an oppressive dictatorship.

An English slave trader is marooned on a remote tropical island, forced to fend for himself and deal with crushing loneliness.

Gloria encounters Francisco, a man whose social veneer betrays a truer self burrowed underneath.

A group of juvenile delinquents live a violent, criminal life in the festering slums of Mexico City, among them the young Pedro, whose morality is gradually corrupted and destroyed by the others.

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