Peppino, a provincial librarian who became the accidental President of Italy, is now a father and has returned to a peaceful, happy life as a woodsman.

The life of Giorgio, a mediocre journalist, changes abruptly when the director of the newspaper decides to transfer him to a provincial office.

La cosa più difficile, durante una crisi di coppia o anche solo una lite coniugale, è immedesimarsi nell'altro, nelle sue ragioni, paure e fragilità... e se questo avvenisse per una specie di magia, costringendo i litiganti a "scambiarsi" le vite?

Four girls unknowingly experience the happiest days of their lives during an uneventful best-friend trip to Belgrade.

Four kids take part in a pervert game - a torturer, the blog's master, four victims, none of them really innocent.

When Englishman Jonathan Harker visits the exotic castle of Count Dracula, he is entranced by the mysterious aristocrat. But upon learning that the count has sinister designs on his wife, Mina, Harker seeks help from vampire slayer Van Helsing.

Seminary student Michael Kovak reluctantly attends exorcism school at the Vatican. While he’s in Rome, Michael meets an unorthodox priest who introduces him to the darker side of his faith, uncovering the devil’s reach even to one of the holiest places on Earth.

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