Sara and Nicola are expecting their second son. Through the late Mattia Torre's sharp look, all the joys and sorrows of being a parent in the modern day Italy are unraveled in an absolutely brilliant and witty way.

A 27-year-old suburban slacker entertains daily conversations bordering on paradoxical with his conscience, which manifests itself in the form of a human-sized armadillo.

Has been an year since Pietro Zinni's gang got caught in the Sopox production laboratory and each of them locked up in different jails.

La cosa più difficile, durante una crisi di coppia o anche solo una lite coniugale, è immedesimarsi nell'altro, nelle sue ragioni, paure e fragilità... e se questo avvenisse per una specie di magia, costringendo i litiganti a "scambiarsi" le vite?

Pietro Zinni is asked by the police to revive the old gang to create a task force that will stop the spread of smart drugs.

Massimo Marinelli Lops and Giulia Colardo meet by chance in Rome and fall in love. Giulia asks Massimo to spend Christmas Eve with her family.

A university researcher is fired because of the cuts to university. To earn a living he decides to produce drugs recruiting his former colleagues, who despite their skills are living at the margins of society.

A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen.

Mirko and Genziano are two 35-year-old brothers who have not seen each other since their mother died in a freak accident in which they were involved—eighteen years ago.

Results 1 - 10 of 10