Life flows peacefully in Vinci: Leonardo is struggling with his incredible inventions, Lorenzo helps him and Gioconda observes them mockingly.

Pericle Scalzone, detto Il nero, di lavoro "fa il culo alla gente" per conto di Don Luigi, boss camorrista emigrato in Belgio. Durante una spedizione punitiva per conto del boss, Pericle commette un grave errore. Scatta la sua condanna a morte. In una rocambolesca fuga che lo porterà fino in Francia, Pericle incontra Anastasia, che lo accoglie senza giudicarlo e gli mostra la possibilità di una nuova esistenza...

Here, the steel worker works on a continuous cycle, twenty-four hours a day and never stops. There, by the sea, on the island of Elba there is a paradise and the unreachable dream of happy families.

A mentally unstable woman loses her daughter's custody to her mother. Things get even more complicated when her husband has a car accident and befriends a Czech mechanic, bringing the man into their dysfunctional home.

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