Dal romanzo Contro tutti (Badge of Evil) di Whit Masterson. In viaggio di nozze in California con la moglie americana (Leigh), Vargas (Heston), funzionario messicano della Commissione panamericana antidroga, si scontra con il capitano Hank Quinlan (Welles), ottimo poliziotto dall'etica dubbia perché si considera al di sopra della legge.

A friendly, successful suburban teacher and father grows dangerously addicted to cortisone, resulting in his transformation into a household despot.

A lovesick girl and her grandfather groom their filly for the Kentucky Derby.

After moving to a new town, troublemaking teen Jim Stark is supposed to have a clean slate, although being the new kid in town brings its own problems.

A big-city cop is reassigned to the country after his superiors find him too angry to be an effective policeman.

A wholesome girl believes her new racehorse, October, is the reincarnation of her favorite uncle, Willie.

A Scottish warlord and his wife murder their way to a pair of crowns.

Olsen and Johnson, a pair of stage comedians, try to turn their play into a movie and bring together a young couple in love, while breaking the fourth wall every step of the way.

Newspaper magnate, Charles Foster Kane is taken from his mother as a boy and made the ward of a rich industrialist.

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