Before being judges, attorneys, or jury members, they are first of all men and women at a crossroads in their lives, with their dreams and their secrets, their hopes and their limitations, all beneath the same sun, each with their own dark side.

A war photographer and absent father, who spends more time taking care of his camera than his four daughters, enjoys a happy life in the Alps with his new girlfriend.

Un uomo sbarca ad Hong Kong dalla Francia per vendicare sua figlia, a cui è stata uccisa la famiglia da dei gangster.

No one is safe when seemingly random killings emerge as a deadly pattern intended to usher in the end of the world.

An out-of-town heist becomes a nightmare for a crew of French burglars when they mistakenly rob the head of the Chicago mafia.

Franck shows up in a gossip magazine photo behind a brawling TV star at a football match.

Malpertuis is the name of an old, rambling mansion which is in reality a labyrinth where characters from Greek mythology are imprisoned by the bedridden Cassavius.

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