Dal romanzo Contro tutti (Badge of Evil) di Whit Masterson. In viaggio di nozze in California con la moglie americana (Leigh), Vargas (Heston), funzionario messicano della Commissione panamericana antidroga, si scontra con il capitano Hank Quinlan (Welles), ottimo poliziotto dall'etica dubbia perché si considera al di sopra della legge.

In postwar Vienna, Austria, Holly Martins, a writer of pulp Westerns, arrives penniless as a guest of his childhood chum Harry Lime, only to learn he has died.

Newspaper magnate, Charles Foster Kane is taken from his mother as a boy and made the ward of a rich industrialist.

In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community.

Henry IV usurps the English throne, sets in motion the factious War of the Roses and now faces a rebellion led by Northumberland scion Hotspur.

When a secret marriage is planned between Othello, a Moorish general, and Desdemona, the daughter of Senator Brabantio, her old suitor Roderigo takes it hard.

A Scottish warlord and his wife murder their way to a pair of crowns.

In 1841, young Ishmael signs up for service aboard the Pequod, a whaler sailing out of New Bedford. The ship is under the command of Captain Ahab, a strict disciplinarian who exhorts his men to find Moby Dick, the great white whale.

After defeating France and imprisoning Napoleon on Elba, ending two decades of war, Europe is shocked to find Napoleon has escaped and has caused the French Army to defect from the King back to him.

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