Giacomo befriends a con man, believing that he is the reincarnation of his dead father.

L'avvocato Franco è un adrenalinico settantenne, appassionato praticante di sport e di maratona in particolare. La sua vita cambia quando scopre che sta per diventare nonno grazie a sua figlia Marta e a suo genero Lorenzo e che il suo fisico non è poi così indistruttibile.

The son of an atheist, authoritarian father, believed to be liberal, wants to become a priest.

A psychoanalyst learns to have an illness and as a consequence he decides to quit his job. All his patients get together to find a way to make him feel better.

After twenty years, five high school classmates meet again at Daniele's wedding, the only one who has built a career for himself.

Sharing the same psychologist, kleptomaniac Roberto, who writes stories a bit too realistic and scary for kids, and a narcoleptic Beatrice, who documents everything in her life, begin to think that love could be the cure for their problems.

A chef who yearns for an international reputation helps his son try to win back his ex by arranging to cater her St.

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