A father uses the serial number on a hand gun in an attempt to track down his daughter's killer. The truth he uncovers is an unsettling reminder of the dangers of keeping handguns.

Alex is going through a midlife crisis and it has become a very difficult time for him. His marriage is struggling, he's worried about his son, and his job of killing people for his family has become the most stressful part of his life.

Una casa di riposo con bella vista sul lago, è un luogo dove gli ospiti devono adattarsi a un tranquillo isolamento, dopo una vita vissuta intensamente. L'arrivo di Gideon, un uomo con un lieve ritardo mentale, porterà scompiglio ma anche una nuova voglia di vivere nell'istituto...

Future Americans decide to time travel to 1776 to ask the founding fathers for the solutions to their problems. A glitch in the time machine changes their destination to 1976.

A group of students traveling to California are menaced by a vicious group of skin-heads in the Colorado mountains. A WW2 vet living in the mountains comes to their rescue.

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