Marie and Bruce

Marie and Bruce (2004)

Tom Cairns
Tom Cairns, Wallace Shawn
George VanBuskirk
Julianne Moore, Matthew Broderick, Bob Balaban, Brian Mcconnachie, Tom Riis Farrell, Campbell Scott, Griffin Dunne, Christopher Evan Welch, David Aaron Baker, Emily Cass McDonnell, Kenneth Lonergan, Julie Hagerty, Robert Gant, Blossom Dearie, Andy Borowitz, ... Show all

Movie plot

A day in the life of a couple trapped in a sadomasochistic relationship. When Marie decides to break up with Bruce, their conversation devolves into a torrent of foul-mouthed rippings and ferociously humorous musings on their marriage, love, hate and committment.

What is the movie Marie and Bruce about?

Marie and Bruce is a movie about Separation and Divorce.


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