Harold Lamb is so excited about going to college that he has been working to earn spending money, practicing college yells, and learning a special way of introducing himself that he saw in a movie.

A bookish college student dismissive of athletics is compelled to try out sports to win the affection of the girl he loves.

A sensitive girl is sent to an all-girls boarding school and develops a romantic attachment to one of her teachers.

School and Education

Quincy Adams Wagstaff, the new president of Huxley U, hires bumblers Baravelli and Pinky to help his school win the big football game against rival Darwin U.

In a repressive boarding school with rigid rules of behavior, four boys decide to rebel against the director on a celebration day.

School and Education

Ruthless Coach Gore creates turmoil at a college by hiring players and alienating students. Along the way, the coach loses his wife Claire Gore to a grandstanding player.

Bessie and Winston "Slug" Winters are married coaches whose mission is to whip their college football team into shape. Just in time, they discover a hillbilly farmhand and his sister.

A brash young American aristocrat attending Oxford University gets a chance to prove himself and win the heart of his antagonist's sister.

A shy British teacher looks back nostalgically at his long career, taking note of the people who touched his life.

Jimmy and Mary get a group of kids together to play in a school orchestra. A huge contest between schools is coming up and they have a hard time raising money to go to Chicago for the contest.

The trustees of Midwestern University have forced three teachers out of their jobs for being suspected communists. Trustee Ed Keller has also threatened mild mannered English Professor Tommy Turner, because he plans to read a controversial piece of prose in class.

Columbia's Spirit of Stanford is built around the talents of a real-life college football star, in this instance all-American quarterback Frankie Albert.

In France, in 1930, a supervisor of a boarding school for young offenders seeks to awaken the music by forming a choir, despite the skepticism of his boarding school director.

Andrew Crocker-Harris has been forced from his position as the classics master at an English public school due to poor health.

London, the early 1950s. Born deaf, Mandy is mute for most of her childhood. As she reaches school age her family itself is in danger of breaking up.

A family tragedy causes a college football quarterback to re-think his goals in life.

It's the last year of highschool of a group of teenagers, and now they have to face their final exam, and the loves, happy or not, that sprung during those years of school.

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