The tranquility of a small town is marred only by sheriff Tod Shaw's unsuccessful courtship of widow Ellen Benson, a pacifist who can't abide guns and those who use them.


The man called Obam struggles with the increasingly hostile forces facing each other in a colonial African country. The African natives want their land and lives back from the British colonists.


A mad bomber holds an innocent family hostage.


A young academy soldier, Maciek Chelmicki, is ordered to shoot the secretary of the KW PPR. A coincidence causes him to kill someone else.


The charismatic, surly son of a wealthy industrialist, Clément, leads a double life as a member of a right-wing extremist organization.

Venezia. Durante gli anni della guerra, un ingegnere costituisce una cellula partigiana e comincia a organizzare operazioni di sabotaggio contro i nazi-fascisti. Tra inviti alla prudenza e progetti sempre più spregiudicati, il livello di pericolo si alza sempre di più...

A secret agent is dispatched to find a rare and valuable drug.


Le due Marie – una terrorista irlandese e una cantante francese – s'incontrano agli inizi del '900 nell'Honduras. Cantano insieme in un circo e insieme capeggiano una rivolta contadina contro il dittatore locale. Vincono. Continuano a cantare...


Tracing the struggle of the Algerian Front de Liberation Nationale to gain freedom from French colonial rule as seen through the eyes of Ali from his start as a petty thief to his rise to prominence in the organisation and capture by the French in 1957.


Amidst a heated political climate, the opposition leader is killed in what appears to be a traffic accident. When a magistrate finds evidence of a government cover-up, witnesses start to get targeted.

Melodrama about a bomber on board an airplane, an airport almost closed by snow, and various personal problems of the people involved.


"A", a member of a student protest organization, becomes disenchanted by his group's inability to effect real change. Emboldened to pursue more radical methods by the older, experienced leftist organizer Despard, "A" unwittingly becomes party to a labor strike that turns violent.

Durante la rivoluzione messicana, Juan, leader di una famiglia di banditi, incontra Sean Mallory, militante dell'IRA ed esperto di esplosivi.


Sentenced to life imprisonment for illegal activities, Italian International member Giulio Manieri holds on to his political ideals while struggling against madness in the loneliness of his prison cell.

Set in Fascist Italy before the outbreak of World War II, the story centers on Tunin, a farmer turned anarchist who stays in a brothel while preparing to kill Benito Mussolini.

Il vicequestore Cardone è solito usare le intercettazioni telefoniche ed è caparbio nel tener in carcere gli arrestati senza prove. L'anonima sequestri gli rapisce il figlio e, per sputtanarlo, lui che difende la linea dura, esige il pagamento simbolico di un mese di stipendio. Costruito in modo da rendere simpatico il protagonista e appoggiato alla teoria degli opposti estremismi, è confezionato con mestiere.

In New York in the late 60s, a politically motivated group of students plans bombings of company offices who do business with dictators in Middle American countries.

A terrorist demands a huge ransom in exchange for information on how to disarm the seven bombs he has planted aboard a trans-Atlantic cruise ship.


Ottavia is left completely alone this summer, but not for long. Walter, who is to change her entire life, now come into it.

After a chance encounter with a wanted man, a woman is harassed by the police and press until she takes violent action.

Results 1 - 20 of 249

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